More translucent and resistant cubic zirconia crowns
Translucent cubic zirconia is an evolution of conventional dental zirconia. Dental zirconia is increasingly being used as a material for making a dental crown or even for a fixed prosthesis on dental implants. Translucent Zirconia has certainly come to revolutionize the way dental prostheses are made, since it uses modern computer graphics resources to design the prostheses, and modern 3D milling machines to sculpt them. This makes treatment faster and more comfortable for the patient.
In addition, Zirconia is the most resistant material compared to other types of crowns and allows for results with a high degree of naturalness, being the most similar to the appearance of natural teeth.
Zirconia can also be used on implants, protocol prostheses and partial prostheses.
Why is dental zirconia an excellent material?
First and foremost, one of the greatest advantages of the Pure Zirconia dental crown is its strength and durability. In addition, its modern execution method, which doesn’t require the old mass moldings and only uses a 3D scanner, makes the treatment much more comfortable for the patient. It is therefore an excellent option for those who want metal-free treatment, a situation that is highly valued today with biological dentistry.

These zirconia structures can be used both for implant prostheses, types of crowns on implants and for crowns on natural teeth. One of the pioneering companies in the development of durable and aesthetic zirconia dental prostheses is the Austrian company AmannGirrbach. Now it is introducing a new type of dental ceramic: Zolid FX translucent cubic zirconia.
It is a fully biocompatible material used to make first-rate prosthetic crowns, not only single-unit, but also bridges of up to 3 units. The main characteristics of Zolid FX are its super-high translucency, high strength and long-term stability.
It is therefore a strong alternative to the already established lithium disilicate (glass ceramic), and can therefore be especially suitable for cases that require high porcelain crown strength. Cubic zirconia crowns can be installed both anteriorly with excellent aesthetics and posteriorly. They can also be used in dental implant treatment.
What is the manufacturing process like?
The Zolid FX cubic zirconia crown is made using computerized CAD/CAM equipment. It starts with milling the rough block on a 3D printer to the shape of the tooth. The zirconia crown is finished with the manual addition of colors and shading so that the crown has natural visual characteristics, like the neighboring teeth. The pure zirconia crown is super aesthetic and is up to 10 times stronger than ordinary (feldspatica) porcelain.
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Translucent cubic zirconia crowns are suitable for bruxism patients due to their resistance
Bruxism is an oral functional disorder characterized by involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth. The excessive force generated by bruxism can cause not only muscle and joint pain in simpler cases, but also the destruction of part of the tissues (bone and gum), enamel or the structure of the dental crown in more advanced cases.
It is important to remember that before your permanent porcelain crown is made, you will receive a temporary crown. This is used to check the aesthetics and chewability of the permanent crown.

However, bruxism can be just as damaging to the structures of prosthetic crowns made from certain materials. For this reason, there has always been a need to develop prostheses with increasingly resistant and stable materials, and at the same time aesthetic (without metals in the structure).
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The translucency and strength characteristics of Zolid FX are fundamental to making the prosthetic crown very comparable to natural teeth. The result is extremely aesthetic crowns and restorations with high strength and long-term stability.
ImplArt Dental Clinic only works with materials of the highest quality, developed by serious companies. For example, AmannGirrbach, which only introduces materials and equipment to the market after carrying out numerous tests and research.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
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